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Welcome to What Cornwall Thinks
Welcome to What Cornwall Thinks – your place to share opinions and shape the future of Cornwall! We’re here to listen to the voices that make this community unique, bringing local perspectives to light. Whether it’s about new services, local issues, or the latest products, your feedback helps businesses, organisations and leaders make decisions that reflect the real Cornwall. Join us and make your voice heard!

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Your opinions matter! As a panel member, you'll receive surveys on topics that impact life in Cornwall. Share your thoughts and help shape local products, services, and decisions. It’s quick, easy, and a great way to make a difference.

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Earn Rewards
The more surveys you answer the more points you receive, which can be swapped for cash that you could spend in Cornwall!
Sign up between Christmas and 31st March and you’ll be automatically entered into a prize draw to win £250!
As an added incentive, when you sign up between now and 31st March, you’ll be automatically entered into a prize draw to win £250!
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Looking to better understand your audience in Cornwall? What Cornwall Thinks provides a unique platform to connect with and learn from the people of Cornwall.